----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jon De Schrijder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 01:53
Subject: Re: FAT16 for Sunrise IDE interaface

> > > This week I've finished it with her and it seems to work perfect. But I
> > > still have to make a new IDEFDISK program to make FAT16 partitions. That
> > > will be for July...
> > > For now you will have to create the FAT16 partition on a PC...
> > 
> > Soooooo, how are things going? :) Making any progress? *nag*nag* ;)
> > I _realy_ wouldn't mind if you'd release the driver/bios update without the
> > fdisk program you know... 
> neither am I... IDEbios 2.00 was already available since June,18th
> But Sunrise doesn't want to take the risk of customers screwing up their
> PC FAT16 partitions and endless questions and telephonecalls of
> customers with not enough experience.

Ah, I understand.. users can be such a pain in the .... butt :)
And since I _am_ a user (to you) I just wanted to be a little of a pain too ;)

> So they are waiting for the new IDEFDISK program and they will release
> everything together. I got IDEFDISK verion 3.0 ready a few weeks ago; it
> features userspecified variable sized partitions and of course FAT16
> format when the partitionsize exceeds approx. 32MB.

sounds teriffic!

> Nevertheless there seems to be a bootproblem with DOS2.3x on Turbo-R
> when using partitions made with the new fdiskprogram. On MSX2 with
> DOS2.2x everything works perfect.

And how about making a non-FAT16 boot partition, and the rest FAT16?
I _would_ like to see this baby work on my A1ST you know! ;)

> I have very limited internet access these months (and thus slow
> communication between me and the sunrisetesters), so you will have to
> wait some more weeks till the last problems have been solved.

Okay, but it's gonna be hard! :)
If you need any more beta-testers.. I promise I'll use it a lot(!) ;))

> *nag*nag* I can use FAT16 on my MSX and you ? *nag*nag* ;)

*mumble*curse*grumble* >;)



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