> > About only accessing the partitions (not booting): best thing to do
> is
> > just make a normal ISO9660 cd and use the CDEX utility to access
> files
> > on the cdrom.
> Where can i find this tool? Is it only IDE or does it also work with
> devices?

IDECDEX is for the IDE-interface.
MSXCDEX is for the SCSI-interfaces. I don't know if it supports all of
them (perhaps only MegaSCSI), but it's the only one around so I suggest
you just try it out. It can be found at ftp://ftp.funet.fi/. You might
also want to consider buying a VERY cheap, VERY fast IDE interface by
sunrise. IDE harddisks and CDROM drives are also easier to find and
much cheaper than SCSI harddisks, and the IDE interface is still in
development and making nice progress like FAT16 support etc. (which
can't be said about the Bert interface).


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