Maarten wrote:
> I didn't patch it. Is this patch specific to FD35A or does it work on more
> FDs?
The patch is for FD24 to FD38.

> Could you please tell me what the patch does? That will make it a lot
> to track the bug. Although your readers will certainly appreciate the
> I'd rather fix fMSX: it should be able to run anything a real MSX can.
The patch changes some loading routines. The FD used to call $0144 to read
sectors, the patch changes it in BDOS-equivalents.
Here's a snippet from the old routine (disassembled from MAG-INIT.BIN):
#D27C:    LD    A,(#D325)
                OUT    (#FE),A
                LD    HL,(#D31F)
                LD    DE,(#D321)
                LD    BC,(#D323)
                XOR    A
                CALL    #0144
                LD    A,B
                CP    #00
                JP    NZ,#D27C    ;repeat if loading failed
                JP    #D24D

I hope this helps...



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