Patriek Lesparre:

> Personally I don't see why the object/linking method is so good. If
> about code-reuse, you can simply include the same sourcefile in different
> projects.
> If talking about build-speed, that's a non-issue for assemblers as fast as
> tniASM. It does over 16000 lines of code and several binary includes in
> 0.44 seconds on my slot-Athlon 850, while another Z80 cross assembler took
> about 4 seconds.

Admitted, you got a point there, although I'd like to see what
this tniASM does on my p2/233... An interesting thing about object files,
though is, that you can pile up a whole buch of them into a library (also
called archive) and then link this library to your own program.
The fun part there is that a smart linker will only take those objects
out of the library which are really need for the program and leave out
all the rest. So, if I have for example a library with all kinds of VDP
routines and my program does some graphic stuff, I can just use what
I like, link my program with the VDP library without worrying about
what include files to use in which order, how they're named etc etc.
I just link the whole library and the linker takes care of the rest -
including what's necessary and cutting out the rest.


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