Tony Bedford wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is __new__ 'MSX style' hardware available? i.e.
> Based on Z80+, colour graphics, sound, disk interface etc. 

What do you mean??
We already have color graphics (in MSX1, MSX2, MSX2+, GFX9000), sound 
(PSG, SCC, MIDI, PCM, ADPCM, FM (OPLL, OPL1), Moonsound (OPL4)), disk 
interfaces (most MSX2 machines and up, some MSX1 machines, external disk 
drives, SCSI interfaces, IDE interfaces, etc., zie FAQ!)... So what is 
your question??

> BTW would it be easy for the mail list server to prepend '[MSX]' to MSX
> mailing list emails?

NO, if you want to filter, just filter on the To: field which is 


Grtjs, Manuel

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