Manuel Bilderbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 14/03/02 13:48:44:
>Hi all!
>I wondered if there are programs (e.g. games) that won't run (correctly) 
>on any MSX emulator (so far)... If you know some, please let me know!

As far I know Halnote is not emulated yet.
It comes with a ROM (8 megaROM) and disks... you can do nothing with the disks only. 
of course, sure it is not a 'normal' megarom :)
There's some other ROMs with 'non-standard' mapper which are not being emulated in 
state. They had to be 'converted' to standard mappers for it.

Well, I'm lazy to create a list... so... bye! ;)


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