I prefer this one in WIDTH 40


----- Original Message -----
From: "d-fader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 23:13
Subject: Re: UZIX is dead

> Hey,
> I wanna help too, that's why I've been working since I received the
> Ofcourse, new operating systems need to crash a lot, that's why I already
> made that part!
> (it's taken from the Teddy's In Action windows emulator...), problem is
> routine was in asm, so that's a bit too fast (you can't see the screen
> building up), that's why I tried to make it in MSX-Basic!
> Let me hear if you can use it, else just steel it, cause that's what the
> developers of the world's most used operating systems also do... And be
> to kill all people with open source routines, after you steel them,
> ofcourse...
> here we go:
> 10 cls
> 20 color 15,4,4
> 23 width 80
> 26 a = &hFA4978D:s$ = "windows msXP kernel"
> 30 print "A fatal exception has occurred on address " + a*rnd(65535) + "
> module " + s$ + "!"
> 40 print "You gotta reboot! Please press the [any] key to reboot the
> unsaved changes will be lost..."
> 50 input a$ : defusr=0:a=usr(0)
> It's not completely perfect, but I guess it's a good basis!
> Good luck and hope to hear from you!
> d-fader
> --
> For info, see http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

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