> Hmm, too bad the controls are a bit irritating and hard to get used to.
> Because of the bad controls I got lost of my 'servant' and I keep
> missing the vespers or other things I have to do in this wicked abbey...

    Really? I find the controls very easy to use ;)
    I think it is the best control system for this kind of game, because
"the point of view" changes in every screen. So, in order to keep a straight
way, you only have to press UP, and you don't need to care about the point
of view. Right key always turn to your(William's) right, and left always
turn to your left.
    Anyway, I friend of mine complained about the same that you some years

> ALso: do you have to go through all this text in the beginning?

    Do you mean the abbot speech?

> Is there also an English manual?

    Just a text explaining how to LOAD/SAVE. Do you think it is necesary to
explain the controls/keys? I can add that info to the text too. :)


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