Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha wrote:
And what about an enhanced version of FudeBrowzer, the excellent HTML viewer by Ricardo Bittencourt? That application rules!

Nah, it didn't have true type fonts, like any respectable browser nowadays.

Would you like waiting 5s to render each single character of a TT font on screen, using a MSX Turbo-R in R800 mode? I don't think so.

How many fonts are used on the web anyway... Arial, Verdana and Times. And in different sizes. It's a lot of characters, but it's manageable I think, as they're only 1-bit bitmaps. In practice I think it's best to just have the CSS defined generic font families on board in a couple of sizes:

    * 'serif' (e.g. Times)
    * 'sans-serif' (e.g. Helvetica)
    * 'cursive' (e.g. Zapf-Chancery)
    * 'fantasy' (e.g. Western)
    * 'monospace' (e.g. Courier)

That should do. Whether it's really possible and feasible, both speed-wise and memory-wise would have to be something to look in to. Guyver and me have plans for a Gfx9000 browser for ObsoNET, so this would be part of it, I guess.


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