No, I did not know that it should be added in the MPI Get phase.
OK, I tried to add it the MPI Get phase and mpi_details are recognized but I 
could not have "Test Run" phase run the scripts in before_any_exec and 
  DB<25> p Dumper($self->{v}{$sect})      
$VAR1 = { 
          'program_dir' => '/u/ftbteam/projects/mtt/client',
          'after_all_exec' => [ 
                                'ftb_db_pid=`pgrep ftb_database_server`',
                                'kill $ftb_db_pid',
                                'ftb_agent_pid=`pgrep ftb_agent`',
                                'kill $ftb_agent_pid'
          'before_any_exec' => [ 
                                 '$ftb_server_daemon &',
          'program_name' => '/u/ftbteam/projects/mtt/client/ftt',
          'ini_section_name' => 'platform',
          'ini_name' => 

It seems that entries of before_** and after_** are filled in to the steps to 
run but it could not run because of the malformed syntax.
So, I removed the entries and then just "touch /tmp/foo" in before_** and 
after_** but it did not create the empty file /tmp/foo and I got the following 
errors in the perl debug mode.
*** ERROR: Module aborted: MTT::Test::Specify::Simple:Specify: Bizarre copy
    of ARRAY in leave at
    /nfs/rinfs/san/homedirs/ftbteam/projects/mtt/lib/MTT/ line
    118, <HANDLE> line 63.
 at /nfs/rinfs/san/homedirs/ftbteam/projects/mtt/lib/MTT/ line 122
        MTT::Messages::Abort('Module aborted: 
MTT::Test::Specify::Simple:Specify: Bizarre c...') called at 
/nfs/rinfs/san/homedirs/ftbteam/projects/mtt/lib/MTT/ line 85
        MTT::Messages::Error('Module aborted: 
MTT::Test::Specify::Simple:Specify: Bizarre c...') called at 
/nfs/rinfs/san/homedirs/ftbteam/projects/mtt/lib/MTT/ line 52
        MTT::Module::Run('MTT::Test::Specify::Simple', 'Specify', 
'Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x19dfea0)', 'test run: ftb', 'HASH(0x19ebba0)', 
'HASH(0x19e4940)', 'HASH(0x19df600)') called at 
/nfs/rinfs/san/homedirs/ftbteam/projects/mtt/lib/MTT/Test/ line 24
'Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x19dfea0)', 'test run: ftb', 'HASH(0x19ebba0)', 
'HASH(0x19e4940)', 'HASH(0x19df600)') called at 
/nfs/rinfs/san/homedirs/ftbteam/projects/mtt/lib/MTT/Test/ line 552
        MTT::Test::Run::_do_run('Config::IniFiles=HASH(0x19dfea0)', 'test run: 
ftb', 'HASH(0x19ebba0)', 'HASH(0x19dfdf0)', 'HASH(0x19e4940)', 
'/u/ftbteam/ftt-runs/odin/20101109-Nightly/pb_0/test_runs', 'undef') called at 
/nfs/rinfs/san/homedirs/ftbteam/projects/mtt/lib/MTT/Test/ line 200
'/u/ftbteam/ftt-runs/odin/20101109-Nightly/pb_0/test_runs', 'undef') called at 
/u/ftbteam/projects/mtt/client/ftt line 557

Can you please help this out?


On 11/8/10 5:27 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
> Are you executing an MPI Get section?
> I believe that the mpi_details section is filled in via the MPI Get phase and 
> then propagated down through all the other phases (i.e., each of the other 
> phases looks allll the way back to their corresponding mpi get phase to find 
> the mpi_details value).
> On Nov 8, 2010, at 5:16 PM, DongInn Kim wrote:
>> Jeff, thank you.
>> BTW, I have looked at the ompi-core-perf-testing.ini file which seems to 
>> have used the mpi detail sections and I tried to use it in our ftb.ini file 
>> but I still get the same warning message.
>> *** Test Run phase starting
>>>> Test Run [ftb]
>>>> Running with [ftb-nightly-trunk] / [0.6.2] / [platform]
>> *** WARNING: Unable to find MPI details section for [MPI Install: platform;
>>    skipping
>> *** Run test phase complete
>>>> Phase: Test Run
>>   Started:       Mon Nov  8 17:10:30 2010
>>   Stopped:       Mon Nov  8 17:10:31 2010
>>   Elapsed:       00:00:01 0.02u 0.06s
>>   Total elapsed: 00:00:01 0.02u 0.06s
>>>> Phase: Trim
>>   Started:       Mon Nov  8 17:10:31 2010
>>   Stopped:       Mon Nov  8 17:10:31 2010
>>   Elapsed:       00:00:00 0.00u 0.00s
>>   Total elapsed: 00:00:01 0.02u 0.06s
>> *** Reporter finalizing
>> *** Reporter finalized
>> Here is the entry in the new ftb.ini file.
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------      
>> [MPI Details: platform] 
>> # Need a before_any_exec step to test all the FTB example tests              
>> before_any_exec = <<EOF
>> install_dir=&test_prefix_pretty()                                            
>> ftb_server_daemon="$install_dir/sbin/ftb_database_server"                    
>> ftb_agent_daemon="$install_dir/sbin/ftb_agent"                               
>> $ftb_server_daemon &
>> $ftb_agent_daemon 
>> EOF
>> after_all_exec = <<EOT                                                       
>> ftb_db_pid=`pgrep ftb_database_server`
>> kill $ftb_db_pid
>> ftb_agent_pid=`pgrep ftb_agent`                                              
>> kill $ftb_agent_pid
>> EOT
>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I have tried to replace "platform" with "FTB" in "[MPI Details: platform]" 
>> but it still did not work.
>> Any helps on this?
>> Regards,
>> On 11/8/10 3:42 PM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
>>> Sorry for jumping in late -- been swamped recently...
>>> In the MPI details section, there's 4 fields that should let you do what 
>>> you want.
>>> before_any_exec -- run once before all the tests in a given Test Run
>>> before_each_exec -- run once before every single exec (including all 
>>> variants)
>>> after_each_exec -- run after after every single exec (include all variants)
>>> after_all_exec -- run after all tests in a given Test Run section have 
>>> completed
>>> So you can use the before_any_exec / after_all_exec to launch the daemons 
>>> once at the beginning and then take them down, or you can use 
>>> before_each_exec / after_each_exec to launch the daemons before each test 
>>> and then take them down at the end of that test.
>>> I'm assuming that the *each* variants will cause your tests to run much 
>>> slower.
>>> I see that we don't have an MPI Details section on the wiki describing 
>>> these parameters.  Sorry!  :-(
>> -- 
>> - DongInn
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- DongInn

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