On Nov 9, 2010, at 1:00 AM, DongInn Kim wrote:

> No, I did not know that it should be added in the MPI Get phase.

You have to call all the phases, even if they don't "do" anything.  That's why 
we have no-op / alreadyinstalled versions of plugins, for example.  Each phase 
sets up data structures that are used by subsequent phases.

> OK, I tried to add it the MPI Get phase and mpi_details are recognized but I 
> could not have "Test Run" phase run the scripts in before_any_exec and 
> after_all_exec.

What exactly do you have in your ini file again for these fields?

I have this in an old ini file -- it *used* to work (when launching MPICH2 and 
Intel MPI jobs through MTT):

before_any_exec = <<EOF
rm -f $file
# If we're allocating by node, get each hostname once.  Otherwise, get
# each hostname as many times as we have slots on that node.
srun hostname | uniq > $file
# Add localhost if it's not in there (e.g., srun -A)
local=`grep $h $file`
touch /tmp/mtt-mpiexec-options.$SLURM_JOBID
if test "$local" = ""; then
   echo $h >> $file
   echo -nolocal > /tmp/mpiexec-options.$SLURM_JOBID
num=`wc -l $file | awk '{ print $1 }'`
mpdboot -n $num -r ssh --verbose --file=$file
rm -f $file

Jeff Squyres
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