Ok, given that your organization has signed the IP agreement, let's go ahead 
and do it.

I'll email you off-list with the read-only SVN URL and password.

On Jun 12, 2014, at 5:49 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> 

> Hi Ralph,
> You are pointing in the right direction. 
> If you can grant us "read access to ompi-tests without granting write 
> permissions to the entire OMPI repo” will be perfect. We got better 
> confidence in you than anyone else with choosing and maintaining those tests! 
> We shall dumb the results to a our own folder and analyse using some in-house 
> custom tools.
> Please let me know how can I get read access to those ompi-tests. 
> Jaison Mulerikkal, PhD
> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
> The University of Auckland
> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
> w: www.jaison.me
> On 13/06/2014, at 3:02 am, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> Hi Jaison
>> Sounds to me like reporting the results into our database wouldn't be 
>> particularly useful for either side. We don't have great visualization 
>> support for what you have in mind - we just show failures etc, and the 
>> reporting tool is really geared towards testing of nightly tarballs. I 
>> suspect you'd be disappointed in it for this purpose.
>> It sounds to me like your best solution would be to use MTT to run your 
>> tests, but tell it to dump the results into a file for you to examine or 
>> post-process with a custom tool as the output format is pretty 
>> machine-friendly.
>> As for the tests themselves, I think I'd leave that up to you. As Jeff said, 
>> we just collected these from various places and there isn't anything 
>> "proprietary" about them. I will admit that we did (a) integrate them into 
>> MTT a bit, and (b) do a fair amount of cleanup as some of the tests were 
>> just plain wrong. We haven't pushed any of those corrections back to the 
>> source, so we *might* have something more correct? Hard to say as I don't 
>> believe we have ever gone back to the source and checked for updates on 
>> their side.
>> If you want access to them, I'd have to defer to Jeff to see if we could 
>> perhaps grant read access to ompi-tests without granting write permissions 
>> to the entire OMPI repo. I don't think that would be appropriate in this 
>> situation.
>> HTH
>> Ralph
>> On Jun 10, 2014, at 4:40 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Ralph and Jeff,
>>> Thanks for our replies and your willingness to help.
>>> Our intentions are as follows:
>>> There are lots or customers/users that use different variants of MPI and 
>>> specifically OpenMPI in our clusters. They run various interesting things 
>>> with MPI/OpenMPI. Sometimes they end up with some issues as they run their 
>>> programs. We spend lot of time to figure out what their problems are. 
>>> Sometimes it could be because of the way we have set up our MPI modules. 
>>> So we need a reliable set of MPI tests/programs to run nightly or at some 
>>> frequency to see that all our MPI settings are okay. I thought MTT will be 
>>> a good tool to do that. I assume that you have the right set of testing 
>>> programs and a way to present the results. 
>>> My manager thinks that he don’t mind sending the results of this particular 
>>> set of tests to an external server (as yours), as long as we got access to 
>>> those test results and we can watch it on some visualisation tool, list, 
>>> etc.
>>> We don't intend to test nightly Open MPI tarballs. We are using easy-build 
>>> to install our libraries/apps. I think it may conflict with easy-build 
>>> workflow. Or is there any way to integrate it with easy-build?
>>> We would like to get access to a comprehensive list of tests, that can 
>>> verify the MPI/OpenMPI health of our systems.
>>> Hope this clarification helps. Now what do you suggest?
>>> Jaison Mulerikkal, PhD
>>> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
>>> The University of Auckland
>>> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
>>> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
>>> w: www.jaison.me
>>> On 11/06/2014, at 11:19 am, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>> I had a chance to think about this some more, and I'm wondering if this 
>>>> falls into some new category of "member". Personally, I would really 
>>>> welcome getting the MTT results from another site as it would expand 
>>>> coverage of various environments, something we are beginning to lack. So 
>>>> even if Jaison et al aren't going to contribute code, contributing test 
>>>> result data is a valuable contribution in itself.
>>>> I think this fits to your question about testing nightly OMPI tarballs. If 
>>>> Jaison can run tests with our tarballs and tell us the results, and that 
>>>> meets his needs to characterize/validate their cluster, then it seems like 
>>>> both sides win.
>>>> On Jun 10, 2014, at 7:46 AM, Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) <jsquy...@cisco.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Sorry for the delay in replying -- I was at the MPI Fourm last week, and 
>>>>> my available time for email was limited.
>>>>> So I think there's three issues on the table:
>>>>> 1. Access to the closed ompi-tests SVN repo
>>>>> 2. Access to some example MTT .ini files
>>>>> 3. Submitting data to mtt.open-mpi.org
>>>>> Forgive me -- as you'll see below, you're raising a corner case that we 
>>>>> have not previously encountered...
>>>>> Can I ask what your intentions are?  We typically haven't given access to 
>>>>> #1 or #3 except to developer organizations in the Open MPI community 
>>>>> itself (signing the IP agreement is the first step).  This is not to say 
>>>>> that we won't -- it's just that you happen to be the first organization 
>>>>> who has expressed a more-than-passing interest in #1 and #3 :-), but you 
>>>>> do not appear to be interested in becoming a contributor or member Open 
>>>>> MPI organization.  We haven't really thought about this case before.
>>>>> I'd like to reiterate two points:
>>>>> 1. You don't need to sign the Open MPI IP agreement to use MTT; MTT is 
>>>>> open source software that anyone can freely use under the BSD license.
>>>>> 2. Most of the tests in the ompi-tests repo are publicly available; we 
>>>>> just don't have redistribution rights (which is why our repo is closed).  
>>>>> We have augmented these publicly-available test suites with a bunch of 
>>>>> home-grown tests, too, but I don't know if they're generally useful 
>>>>> outside of Open MPI (i.e., some test for specific Open MPI behavior).
>>>>> Also, I don't think I was specific about this before, but submitting data 
>>>>> to mtt.open-mpi.org is intended for tracking the nightly development 
>>>>> tarballs.  It's not meant as a general MTT database hosting platform for 
>>>>> individual organizations' internal testing.
>>>>> So I guess my questions are:
>>>>> 1. Do you really want/need access to our SVN repo, or do you just 
>>>>> want/need a list of the test suites that you can download from the 
>>>>> internet yourself?
>>>>> 2. Do you intend to test nightly Open MPI tarballs?
>>>>> Thanks for your patience in helping us think through the issues; this is 
>>>>> what happens when you happen to be first.  :-)
>>>>> On Jun 2, 2014, at 8:22 PM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Jun 2, 2014, at 4:48 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal 
>>>>>> <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ralph and others,
>>>>>>> Thanks for your replies. Very useful and encouraging.
>>>>>>> I have posted the signed copy of Corporate Contributor License 
>>>>>>> Agreement to the address you have given. 
>>>>>>> Hope you can give us access to the tests-repo now.
>>>>>> I'll have to let Jeff do this - he's off to the MPI Forum, and so it may 
>>>>>> not happen for a few days
>>>>>>> Would like to get the configuration file (.ini) that you use and to get 
>>>>>>> a copy of “runmtt.sh” that you run. That will help me understand how it 
>>>>>>> is actually used in  cluster. 
>>>>>> See attached
>>>>>>> I will think about setting up a database for ourselves. After talking 
>>>>>>> to my manager, it seems that he is not fuzzy about using your external 
>>>>>>> database, especially in the  beginning. So we may begin with just doing 
>>>>>>> that and later setup something for ourselves. Thanks again for your 
>>>>>>> help.
>>>>>> No problem - my .ini is setup to report to our database.
>>>>>>> Jaison Mulerikkal, PhD
>>>>>>> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
>>>>>>> The University of Auckland
>>>>>>> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
>>>>>>> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
>>>>>>> w: www.jaison.me
>>>>>>> On 29/05/2014, at 5:04 pm, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On May 28, 2014, at 8:29 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal 
>>>>>>>> <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Ralph,
>>>>>>>> Hello - and welcome!
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your previous clarification.
>>>>>>>>> At our organisation (www.nesi.org.nz) we would like to use MTT for 
>>>>>>>>> MPI heath check of our clusters.
>>>>>>>> I actually know some people there! Small world - almost came to work 
>>>>>>>> there a few years ago, and have a standing promise to come visit :-)
>>>>>>>>> It it okay use MTT, legally, if we sign up to the following 
>>>>>>>>> agreement. 
>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/contribute/corporate.php. Whom 
>>>>>>>>> shall I send this doc? 
>>>>>>>> There should be an address on the form - it gets sent to:
>>>>>>>> Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST)
>>>>>>>> ATTN: Andrew Lumsdaine,
>>>>>>>> Open MPI 3rd Party Contribution Agreements
>>>>>>>> 2719 E. 10th Street
>>>>>>>> Bloomington, IN 47408
>>>>>>>> USA 
>>>>>>>> Let us know once you send it and we can proceed - we trust your word 
>>>>>>>> that it is "in the mail".
>>>>>>>>> If that is done, how can we install MTT in our clusters? Can you 
>>>>>>>>> please explain it to me step by step? Or is there any elaborate 
>>>>>>>>> documentation to get info on it? I have gone through the MTT wiki. It 
>>>>>>>>> doesn’t explicitly speak about how MTT can be deployed in a 
>>>>>>>>> stand-alone cluster like ours.
>>>>>>>> Actually, all you really have to do is clone the git repo for it - all 
>>>>>>>> the software is there, and it doesn't require any more installation 
>>>>>>>> then setting up a .ini file with the proper configuration. Several 
>>>>>>>> examples are included in the repo. I can also share mine with you as 
>>>>>>>> it does pretty much what you describe. I have a simple "runmtt.sh" 
>>>>>>>> script that executes the tests for me, but it is totally trivial and 
>>>>>>>> easily shared. The repo is here:
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/open-mpi/mtt
>>>>>>>> You can access it any time you like - we don't need the agreement for 
>>>>>>>> MTT itself (only for the tests).
>>>>>>>>> We are using Easy-Build to install MPI and other libraries. So we may 
>>>>>>>>> skip those steps in MTT.We just need to run the tests and collect 
>>>>>>>>> health reports.  From what I understand from the documentation, I 
>>>>>>>>> have to fetch MPI tests from your svn server each time and run it on 
>>>>>>>>> our machines.
>>>>>>>> You actually don't have to do that - you can clone the ompi-tests repo 
>>>>>>>> once, and just run the tests from there. It gets updated infrequently, 
>>>>>>>> but you can always just do an "svn up" to ensure you have the latest 
>>>>>>>> copies. Again, that is an option in your .ini file.
>>>>>>>>> Can we collect the results internally and use MTT Reviewer internally 
>>>>>>>>> to assess it?
>>>>>>>> Certainly - setting up the database is a bit of a challenge, but once 
>>>>>>>> done you can go that route if you like. I'm not the best for those 
>>>>>>>> questions, but I'm sure Jeff would be happy to help. He's on travel at 
>>>>>>>> the moment, but expected back shortly.
>>>>>>>>> Or does it go to a central server outside our organisation? 
>>>>>>>> We encourage people to submit the results to the central MTT repo so 
>>>>>>>> we can all see them - helps us to maintain the code. However, some 
>>>>>>>> places prefer not to do so for firewall or security purposes, and 
>>>>>>>> that's just fine too.
>>>>>>>>> Can you please help us through these queries? Thanks in advance. 
>>>>>>>> We are happy to help get you up-and-running! Please don't hesitate to 
>>>>>>>> ask, and I'll send my files along as soon as you are ready.
>>>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>>>>> Jaison Mulerikkal, PhD
>>>>>>>>> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
>>>>>>>>> The University of Auckland
>>>>>>>>> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
>>>>>>>>> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
>>>>>>>>> w: www.jaison.me
>>>>>>>>> On 23/05/2014, at 3:49 pm, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I do it all the time myself - the ini file contains this:
>>>>>>>>>> #======================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> # MPI get phase
>>>>>>>>>> #======================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> [MPI get: My Installation]
>>>>>>>>>> mpi_details = Open MPI
>>>>>>>>>> # Leave this parameter blank to
>>>>>>>>>> # have MTT search your path for an MPI
>>>>>>>>>> # alreadyinstalled_dir = /your/installation
>>>>>>>>>> module = AlreadyInstalled
>>>>>>>>>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> [MPI install: My Installation]
>>>>>>>>>> mpi_get = My Installation
>>>>>>>>>> module = Analyze::OMPI
>>>>>>>>>> Everything else proceeds the same
>>>>>>>>>> On May 22, 2014, at 8:14 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal 
>>>>>>>>>> <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am just referring to the following previous query at MTT forums, 
>>>>>>>>>>> because I too has a similar requirement. 
>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> I want to skip the MPI Get and Install phases, and simply point MTT 
>>>>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>>>>> my pre-built/installed Open MPI. Can this be done
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/mtt-users/2006/06/0013.php
>>>>>>>>>>> ———————————
>>>>>>>>>>> The reply mentioned that this functionality was in your TODO list. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Have you implemented it in anyway at all?
>>>>>>>>>>> We are running a HPC cluster and we use easy-build to make our 
>>>>>>>>>>> modules (including MPI) available to our users. So we may not want 
>>>>>>>>>>> to Get, Install, Build steps at MTT, but the Run section to test 
>>>>>>>>>>> the stability of the systems. Is it possible to do?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanking you in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>> Jaison Mulerikkal
>>>>>>>>>>> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
>>>>>>>>>>> The University of Auckland
>>>>>>>>>>> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
>>>>>>>>>>> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
>>>>>>>>>>> w: www.jaison.me
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>> On Jun 2, 2014, at 4:48 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal 
>>>>>> <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ralph and others,
>>>>>>> Thanks for your replies. Very useful and encouraging.
>>>>>>> I have posted the signed copy of Corporate Contributor License 
>>>>>>> Agreement to the address you have given. 
>>>>>>> Hope you can give us access to the tests-repo now.
>>>>>> I'll have to let Jeff do this - he's off to the MPI Forum, and so it may 
>>>>>> not happen for a few days
>>>>>>> Would like to get the configuration file (.ini) that you use and to get 
>>>>>>> a copy of “runmtt.sh” that you run. That will help me understand how it 
>>>>>>> is actually used in  cluster. 
>>>>>> See attached
>>>>>>> I will think about setting up a database for ourselves. After talking 
>>>>>>> to my manager, it seems that he is not fuzzy about using your external 
>>>>>>> database, especially in the  beginning. So we may begin with just doing 
>>>>>>> that and later setup something for ourselves. Thanks again for your 
>>>>>>> help.
>>>>>> No problem - my .ini is setup to report to our database.
>>>>>> <bend-local.ini>
>>>>>> <1_Warning.txt>
>>>>>> <2_Warning.txt>
>>>>>>> Jaison Mulerikkal, PhD
>>>>>>> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
>>>>>>> The University of Auckland
>>>>>>> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
>>>>>>> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
>>>>>>> w: www.jaison.me
>>>>>>> On 29/05/2014, at 5:04 pm, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On May 28, 2014, at 8:29 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal 
>>>>>>>> <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Ralph,
>>>>>>>> Hello - and welcome!
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your previous clarification.
>>>>>>>>> At our organisation (www.nesi.org.nz) we would like to use MTT for 
>>>>>>>>> MPI heath check of our clusters.
>>>>>>>> I actually know some people there! Small world - almost came to work 
>>>>>>>> there a few years ago, and have a standing promise to come visit :-)
>>>>>>>>> It it okay use MTT, legally, if we sign up to the following 
>>>>>>>>> agreement. 
>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/contribute/corporate.php. Whom 
>>>>>>>>> shall I send this doc? 
>>>>>>>> There should be an address on the form - it gets sent to:
>>>>>>>> Center for Research in Extreme Scale Technologies (CREST)
>>>>>>>> ATTN: Andrew Lumsdaine,
>>>>>>>> Open MPI 3rd Party Contribution Agreements
>>>>>>>> 2719 E. 10th Street
>>>>>>>> Bloomington, IN 47408
>>>>>>>> USA 
>>>>>>>> Let us know once you send it and we can proceed - we trust your word 
>>>>>>>> that it is "in the mail".
>>>>>>>>> If that is done, how can we install MTT in our clusters? Can you 
>>>>>>>>> please explain it to me step by step? Or is there any elaborate 
>>>>>>>>> documentation to get info on it? I have gone through the MTT wiki. It 
>>>>>>>>> doesn’t explicitly speak about how MTT can be deployed in a 
>>>>>>>>> stand-alone cluster like ours.
>>>>>>>> Actually, all you really have to do is clone the git repo for it - all 
>>>>>>>> the software is there, and it doesn't require any more installation 
>>>>>>>> then setting up a .ini file with the proper configuration. Several 
>>>>>>>> examples are included in the repo. I can also share mine with you as 
>>>>>>>> it does pretty much what you describe. I have a simple "runmtt.sh" 
>>>>>>>> script that executes the tests for me, but it is totally trivial and 
>>>>>>>> easily shared. The repo is here:
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/open-mpi/mtt
>>>>>>>> You can access it any time you like - we don't need the agreement for 
>>>>>>>> MTT itself (only for the tests).
>>>>>>>>> We are using Easy-Build to install MPI and other libraries. So we may 
>>>>>>>>> skip those steps in MTT.We just need to run the tests and collect 
>>>>>>>>> health reports.  From what I understand from the documentation, I 
>>>>>>>>> have to fetch MPI tests from your svn server each time and run it on 
>>>>>>>>> our machines.
>>>>>>>> You actually don't have to do that - you can clone the ompi-tests repo 
>>>>>>>> once, and just run the tests from there. It gets updated infrequently, 
>>>>>>>> but you can always just do an "svn up" to ensure you have the latest 
>>>>>>>> copies. Again, that is an option in your .ini file.
>>>>>>>>> Can we collect the results internally and use MTT Reviewer internally 
>>>>>>>>> to assess it?
>>>>>>>> Certainly - setting up the database is a bit of a challenge, but once 
>>>>>>>> done you can go that route if you like. I'm not the best for those 
>>>>>>>> questions, but I'm sure Jeff would be happy to help. He's on travel at 
>>>>>>>> the moment, but expected back shortly.
>>>>>>>>> Or does it go to a central server outside our organisation? 
>>>>>>>> We encourage people to submit the results to the central MTT repo so 
>>>>>>>> we can all see them - helps us to maintain the code. However, some 
>>>>>>>> places prefer not to do so for firewall or security purposes, and 
>>>>>>>> that's just fine too.
>>>>>>>>> Can you please help us through these queries? Thanks in advance. 
>>>>>>>> We are happy to help get you up-and-running! Please don't hesitate to 
>>>>>>>> ask, and I'll send my files along as soon as you are ready.
>>>>>>>> Ralph
>>>>>>>>> Jaison Mulerikkal, PhD
>>>>>>>>> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
>>>>>>>>> The University of Auckland
>>>>>>>>> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
>>>>>>>>> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
>>>>>>>>> w: www.jaison.me
>>>>>>>>> On 23/05/2014, at 3:49 pm, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I do it all the time myself - the ini file contains this:
>>>>>>>>>> #======================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> # MPI get phase
>>>>>>>>>> #======================================================================
>>>>>>>>>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> [MPI get: My Installation]
>>>>>>>>>> mpi_details = Open MPI
>>>>>>>>>> # Leave this parameter blank to
>>>>>>>>>> # have MTT search your path for an MPI
>>>>>>>>>> # alreadyinstalled_dir = /your/installation
>>>>>>>>>> module = AlreadyInstalled
>>>>>>>>>> #----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> [MPI install: My Installation]
>>>>>>>>>> mpi_get = My Installation
>>>>>>>>>> module = Analyze::OMPI
>>>>>>>>>> Everything else proceeds the same
>>>>>>>>>> On May 22, 2014, at 8:14 PM, Jaison Mulerikkal 
>>>>>>>>>> <j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am just referring to the following previous query at MTT forums, 
>>>>>>>>>>> because I too has a similar requirement. 
>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>>>> I want to skip the MPI Get and Install phases, and simply point MTT 
>>>>>>>>>>> to 
>>>>>>>>>>> my pre-built/installed Open MPI. Can this be done
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/mtt-users/2006/06/0013.php
>>>>>>>>>>> ———————————
>>>>>>>>>>> The reply mentioned that this functionality was in your TODO list. 
>>>>>>>>>>> Have you implemented it in anyway at all?
>>>>>>>>>>> We are running a HPC cluster and we use easy-build to make our 
>>>>>>>>>>> modules (including MPI) available to our users. So we may not want 
>>>>>>>>>>> to Get, Install, Build steps at MTT, but the Run section to test 
>>>>>>>>>>> the stability of the systems. Is it possible to do?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanking you in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>> Jaison Mulerikkal
>>>>>>>>>>> New Zealand eScience Infrastructure
>>>>>>>>>>> The University of Auckland
>>>>>>>>>>> e: j.mulerik...@auckland.ac.nz
>>>>>>>>>>> p: +64 9 923 2194 (internal ext: 82194)
>>>>>>>>>>> w: www.jaison.me
>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Jeff Squyres
>>>>> jsquy...@cisco.com
>>>>> For corporate legal information go to: 
>>>>> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>>> Subscription: http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>>> Link to this post: 
>>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/mtt-users/2014/06/0811.php
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>>> Subscription: http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>>> Link to this post: 
>>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/mtt-users/2014/06/0813.php
>> _______________________________________________
>> mtt-users mailing list
>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
>> Subscription: http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
>> Link to this post: 
>> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/mtt-users/2014/06/0814.php
> _______________________________________________
> mtt-users mailing list
> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
> Subscription: http://www.open-mpi.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/mtt-users
> Link to this post: 
> http://www.open-mpi.org/community/lists/mtt-users/2014/06/0814.php

Jeff Squyres
For corporate legal information go to: 

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