
I have been able to solve the problem with muscle_create_file using the

- instead of calling mscfs_lookup_local(fs, file->id, (u8*)&objectId); I
have put:
        objectId[0] = fs->currentPath[0];
        objectId[1] = fs->currentPath[1];
        objectId[2] = (file->id >> 8) & 0xFF;
        objectId[3] = file->id & 0xFF;

and after that modified the call to msc_create_object to: r =
msc_create_object(card, bebytes2ulong(objectId), objectSize, read, write,
delete); If I can see, muscle_create_directory is doing the similat thing. I
don't know if this is the error but this works for me on Windows...

regards, dejan

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