On Thursday 19 October 2006 17:54, Michael Bender wrote:
> There might be other credentials that would be important in making
> this decision and which could be passed up from libpcsclite.so, got
> any suggestions as to what else might be interesting? Or perhaps
> we could make it more opaque in the sense that we pass a "blob" of
> stuff from the client side, through pcscd, and then into the PAM
> stack, and only the PAM modules would understand that "blob",
> which might be something like key-value pairs. That's for the
> future at any rate, for now, we're doing our prototype with just
> the value of $DISPLAY and the UID of the caller.

What prevents the application from lying when it provides the name/value 
pairs, or the $DISPLAY value?  I'm sure it's possible for pcscd to check the 
UID under which the client app is executing (because I implemented such a 
check for Linux), but it seems like pcscd must simply trust the application 
to deliver correct values for the rest.

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