Ludovic Rousseau wrote:
Paul Klissner wrote:

I'd like to add SCARD_E_INVALID_DISPLAY to the list of err consts
in PCSC/pcsclite.h, and the text "Invalid $DISPLAY environment" to
pcsc_stringify_error(), but I am concerned that I might be
constrained by backward-compatibility issues.

Can you describe the backward compatibility issues you are
> thinking about?

My question on this was who controls the error/status return code
name space of PC/SC-lite? Is that us, or is it the PC/SC standards

It is easy on the libpcsclite side to check the file permissions of
/var/run/ and return SCARD_E_NO_PERMISSION when appropriate.

You can never trust the library, since it's very easy for someone
to write their own version of the library that talks to pcscd and
performs whatever transactions the Black Hat wants to perform. The
only way to assure proper access control is for pcscd itself to
enforce such access control.

(I'm sure that someone is waiting in the wings to bring up the point
 that if you signed the library with a key that pcscd knew about and
 signed all the messages between the library and pcscd then you could
 potentially trust the library. Well, have at it :-).


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