At 00:16 12/03/2008 +0100, you wrote:
Sylvain Ferey schrieb:
Based on recent exchanges with Amanda, I'm trying:
a) to figure out the behaviour of the so called "MuscleCard Applet" (0.9.8)
b) to reprodude the log-out posted by Amanda.
so far, I still puzzled with the applet found at [1] and will kindly receive any confirmation that it is the right code to used.

What stands [1] for?

a mistyping! it should read: <>

I also wonder is there is any chance to have to tool "muscleTool" running under win32 host (yes, I know what MUSCLE stands for) I also know that most of my smartcard tools run under win32. my problem are a) the tar ball can not be (fully) recoverd since it contains a directory named "aux" which is a forbidden name for user dir. on windows, b) the Visual-Studio-for-Windows project present in that tarball defines an include from "E:\quarantine\pthread\pthreads", uses files from "./readline/" and seems to rely on a Yacc / Bison preproc; a lot of things not present in the package (not easily available on win32 for the last).
thanks for any advices.

Yes, I have complied it and run it under Windows. I have explained how to do it (in my development snapshots). Unfortunately I have forgotten to include the file INSTALL.w32 in the release. Extract it from here:

I will check - the generation steps are not that obvious, some of your requirements appears not required (I do not think the tool needs .net SDK nor 2003 PSDK, the standard includes would be enough), then come flex & bison, ok we will see how to manage that.


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