Hi Peter,

At 21:20 22/03/2008 -0700, Peter Williams wrote:

I did alot of work on the applet, a couple of years ago, profiling its cypto, object and pin model for a custom embedded application.

We have to recognise that it has little commercial future, compared to more advanced applet architectures for ICCs/javacards - that US got pumps money into

well, it can be a long story.
for one part of the story, the future of a card based service is up to its users. commercial or governmental card initiatives often use their own card specification, something for good reasons, something for the pleasure of issuing yet another specification.

for sure muscle-applet will hardly address some governmental projects but corporate or "free" initiatives - like trustbearer - can use applets like muscle card-edge, in their scope actually used crypto-provider (smartcard, token, ...) is not that relevant.

What is does represent is possibly the ONLY mainstream, open technology smartcards internals, that the average person can get their hands on. Its a great learning tool.

yes, agree. smartcard providers don't offer a lot of valuable samples.

One has to recognize, as we did in our project, that javacard architecture is not the ony approach. We ended up build a custom card (a spinoff of a PIV card) in C, without the intepreter, that also bunded GlobalPlatform. It was just a better "Engineering" approach.

I did wrote some PIV implementation in JavaCard, it wasn't meaningless neither.

If you are going to build a hihgly custom javacard, you might aswell just build a custom card. At least you have direct control of your COS and the hardware resources, then. I know we needed that, to talk to the ICC's co-processor in a way that javacards COS prevented one from accomplishing.

if you are developing a single card-application, yes, do it in C it will be faster & cheaper.

for a card manufacturer, the expected ROI of a JavaCard platform justifies to provide application / services with JVC applets; this can also allow a safer implementation of the crypto. services: the VM & crypto. developers make no assumption regarding how the JVC API will be used and thus shall enforce all security rules; OOH when the same guys develop crypto. base services as well as high level driven-based APDU, some leaks of expertises can be present (I do not say it's always the case).


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