Thanks Karsten,

i can see now the applet is on the card, but if I tried it with AID that you wrote me: 0xA0:00:00:03:0x23:01, muscle tools wrote back: Token Unsupported. If I install it with AID 0A:00:00:00:01 and :01 for applet, it recognizes the token but muscleTools dont want to format it (Format failed ! (0x9C0F Invalid parameter)) After that even "tokens" command throws me ListTokens Failed ! (0x9C59 Handle is invalid) If I exited muscleTool and run it again, i can connect to applet, but every command throws error (0x9C05 - Feature is unsupported)
Any idea what am i doing wrong?



Karsten Ohme wrote:
Tomas Latal schrieb:
Hello everybody,

i started to explore the world of smartcards, but im having some troubles with MuscleCard Applet. I succesfuly upload other applets on my card (gemCombi'Xpresso R4 E72K) using card reader Omnikey CardMan 5321. Everything looks ok, so i tried to upload MuscleCard applet using GPShell. It seems that applet is on card.

1. question: How do I know the applet is on card correctly uploaded?

GPShell. See the list.txt example. The AID of the installed appelts should be shown.

The AID for the package could be 0xA0:00:00:03:0x23:01 (or one additional :01 for the applet).

I suggest that applet is correctly uploaded. I started muscleTool and it shows me MuscleCardApplet token. I tried to format it, but after i have finnished seting up pins, sizes etc. it writes this error:

Formating token [*] : Format failed! (0x9C02 Authentication failed)

after that any command in muscleCard shell ends with error

ERR: ListTokens Failed ! (0x9C59 Handle is invalid)

2. question: I read the applet has to be uploaded AND installed. It is possible that the applet is not correctly instaled?

And one curiosity: If i did't have applet installed/uploaded on the card (i deleted it) the muscleTool still (when there is any smartcard in the reader) shows me, there is availible token called MuscleCard Applet !!!!!

3. question: How is this even possible??

If it is the same card type. MuscleCard only looks for the ATR. This is the same for the same card type.


I'm trying it with Linux (Ubuntu 8.04)

Thanks for any helpful reaction

Best regards

Tomas Latal

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