allready have a solution: PIN must be at least 8 characters long. And then it all went OK. Thanks everybody


Quoting Peter Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

try reloading the applet onto the card. you only get once chance to
assert the transport key

From: "Tomas Latal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 12:34 PM
To: "MUSCLE" <>
Subject: Re: [Muscle] some newbie muclecard applet and muscle tools questions

Hi Karsten,

Karsten Ohme wrote:
It might be a bug. But can you post what do you do in muscleTools? Copy the screen.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ muscleTool
MuscleCard shell - type "help" for help.
muscleTool > tokens
 1.    MuscleCard Applet

muscleTool > format 1

Would you like to:
0. Abort this selection.
1. Use the default key : 4D7573636C653030
2. Enter your own transport key

Choose (0-2): 1

Please enter your admin PIN (PIN #0)
'a' aborts this query.
Enter admin PIN : cvut

Please enter your user PIN (PIN #1)
'a' aborts this query.
Enter user PIN : apk

Please enter your number of PIN tries for user PIN (PIN #1)
'a' aborts this query.
Enter user PIN tries : 3

Please enter your user unblock PIN (PIN #1)
'a' aborts this query.
Enter user unblock PIN : cvut

Please enter your number of PIN tries for user unblock PIN (PIN #1)
'a' aborts this query.
Enter user unblock PIN tries : 3

How much bytes for object memory would you like to allocate ?
Example: 10000

'a' aborts this query.
Enter object memory size : 10000

Enter the ACL who can create objects
Example: 0x0002 for user with PIN #1

'a' aborts this query.
Enter ACL : 0x0002

Enter the ACL who can create keys
Example: 0x0002 for user with PIN #1

'a' aborts this query.
Enter ACL : 0x0002

Enter the ACL who can create PINs
Example: 0x0001 for admin with PIN #0

'a' aborts this query.
Enter ACL : 0x0001
Transport key       : Muscle00
Admin PIN           : cvut
User PIN            : apk (3 tries)
User unblock PIN    : cvut (3 tries)
Object memory       : 10000 bytes
Create object ACL   : 0x0002
Create key ACL      : 0x0002
Create PIN ACL      : 0x0001

Is the above okay ?
0. Abort this selection.
1. YES
2. NO

Choose (0-2): 1

Formating token [*] : ERR: Format failed ! (0x9C0F Invalid parameter)
muscleTool > muscleTool > tokens
ERR: ListTokens Failed ! (0x9C59 Handle is invalid)
muscleTool > tokens
ERR: ListTokens Failed ! (0x9C59 Handle is invalid)
muscleTool > exit
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/download/X36APK-JC/mcardapplet-0.9.8$

this is the "screenshot" you wanted. Can you see any mistake?

Thank you for reply,

Tomas Latal

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