Hi Ross,

Just spotted this. I don't have an answer for you, but a possible
helpful literature connection...?

The system you describe is a simple Markov model. It's ergodic and
time-homogeneous and reversible, and has no hidden state, so I'd guess
that there must be results from the Markov model literature that can
help. In particular MCMC work, which uses reversible Markov chains and
their stationary distributions. In fact they often consider the
autocorrelation of the converged processes, so they can work out how to
take uncorrelated samples.


On 03/11/15 17:42, Ross Bencina wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Suppose that I generate a time series x[n] as follows:
> P is a constant value between 0 and 1
> At each time step n (n is an integer):
> r[n] = uniform_random(0, 1)
> x[n] = (r[n] <= P) ? uniform_random(-1, 1) : x[n-1]
> Where "(a) ? b : c" is the C ternary operator that takes on the value b
> if a is true, and c otherwise.
> <<<
> What would be a good way to derive a closed-form expression for the
> spectrum of x? (Assuming that the series is infinite.)
> I'm guessing that the answer is an integral over the spectra of shifted
> step functions, but I don't know how to deal with the random magnitude
> of each step, or the random onsets. Please assume that I barely know how
> to take the Fourier transform of a step function.
> Maybe the spectrum of a train of randomly spaced, random amplitude
> pulses is easier to model (i.e. w[n] = x[n] - x[n-1]). Either way, any
> hints would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ross.
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Dan Stowell
EPSRC Research Fellow
Centre for Digital Music
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
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