Not sure what you mean by this being 'real', but indeed there are
faster algorithms than the FFT if the signal is 'sparse' (or
approximately sparse) in the Fourier domain. This is essentially the
same idea as in compressed sensing, where you can 'beat' the Nyquist
criterion for sparse signals. Have a look at:


On 21 August 2016 at 15:30, Alan Wolfe <> wrote:
> This article has been getting shared and reshared by some graphics
> professionals / researchers I know on twitter.
> The article itself and arxiv paper are from 2012 though, which makes me
> wonder why we haven't heard more about this?
> Does anyone know if this is real?
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Max Little (
Associate Professor, Aston University
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Visiting Associate Professor, MIT
Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Room MB312, Aston University
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