A guy on the linkedin DSP group posted about "System Compression" as well,
which is related to compressive sensing. I haven't looked into it at all,
but here's the link:


In case you can't access that link, he doesn't give much info about how
System Compression works, but he links variously to this stuff:


On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 10:06 AM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the info, very interesting! (:
> On Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 8:34 PM, Ross Bencina <rossb-li...@audiomulch.com>
> wrote:
>> [Sorry about my previous truncated message, Thuderbird is buggy.]
>> I wonder what the practical musical applications of sFFT are, and whether
>> any work has been published in this area since 2012?
>> > http://groups.csail.mit.edu/netmit/sFFT/hikp12.pdf
>> Last time I looked at this paper, it seemed to me that sFFT would
>> correctly return the highest magnitude FFT bins irrespective of the
>> sparsity of the signal. That could be useful for spectral peak-picking
>> based algorithms such as SMS sinusoid/noise decomposition and related
>> pitch-tracking techniques. I'm not sure how efficient sFFT is for "dense"
>> audio vectors however.
>> More generally, Compressive Sensing was a hot topic a few years back.
>> There is at least one EU-funded research project looking at audio-visual
>> applications:
>> http://www.spartan-itn.eu/#2|
>> And Mark Plumbley has a couple of recent co-publications:
>> http://www.surrey.ac.uk/cvssp/people/mark_plumbley/
>> No doubt there is other work in the field.
>> Cheers,
>> Ross.
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