thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we are able to offer a limited number 
of student accommodation bursaries for the Web Audio Conference.

these will cover the 3 nights of 20th - 22nd August (ie check in 20th, check 
out 23rd). the accommodation is at the Mile End campus, where the conference 
will be held, is en-suite and includes breakfast.

as we expect demand to outstrip supply, there will be a selection process. 
therefore if you are a bona fide student, please submit a 1 page pdf document 
as an attachment, sent to<>.

it should contain the following headings

Current level of study (u/g, Masters, PhD)
Name of academic supervisor
Title of Paper or other contribution to WAC
Reason for requesting support
Other sources of support for rest of costs
Short statement (less than 100 words): How I will benefit from attending WAC 

you must also include a scanned, signed (pdf) letter from your supervisor, 
confirming that you are a student and why it is not possible to cover your 
attendance without a bursary.

the closing date for bursary applications is: Monday 26th June, with an 
expectation to inform all applicants 1 week later.

[there are also rooms available for £75 per night. Please check the WAC web 
site for details]

thanks and best wishes

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