WSOLA fundamentally does time-scaling.� time compression or time stretching 
without changing pitch.� time-scaling is not normally thought of as real-time 
because your input and output buffer pointers will collide.
combining time-scaling with resampling can make a
pitch shifter (changes pitch without changing speed or tempo) and that **can** 
and often is real-time.� whatever stretching or compression the time-scaler 
does that changes the length of the sound is undone by the resampling.� it's 
like if you pitch it up an octave, the time-scaler (WSOLA
or phase-vocoder or whatever technique) makes your audio twice as long (and 
half as fast) without changing pitch.� then you play that elongated audio back 
at twice the speed which brings it back to the original tempo but the pitch is 
bumped up an octave.
for playback of audio from a hard
disk or some other mass storage, you can use WSOLA or slow down or speed up the 
playback (without changing pitch) but your playback device has to output more 
samples than normal if you're speeding it up or fewer samples than normal to 
slow it down.� then, in real-time, you can use the time
scaler� make the more or fewer samples per block to be the same as normal.
r b-j

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------

Subject: [music-dsp] WSOLA on RealTime

From: "Alex Dashevski" <alexd...@gmail.com>

Date: Wed, September 26, 2018 3:25 pm

To: music-dsp@music.columbia.edu


> Can I implement WSOLA on realtime(audio buffer) ?

> I need to do resampling ? Right ?


> Thanks,

> Alex

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r b-j� � � � � � � � � � � � �r...@audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

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