On Sunday, January 08, 2006 5:28 PM,
Schika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> The EU is clearly defined and also has an ISO code, like other
>> countries, even though it's not technically a country (although it
>> exhibits several properties of a country). I will gladly submit a
>> patch to include the EU, but I can't see us coming to an agreement
>> about which continents even exist.

Because we seem to like infinite questioning.

> After a discussion with that label about "EU" and "Europe" they made
> me clear:

They who? A single label? Amrican one?

> * They publish the records for the Europian continent only.


What does it mean? there is not European continent in fact?

> * If they would publish for the Europian Union, 


> they have to ship the recordings all over the world (nearly all colonies of 
> France,
> Netherlands, Denmark, Portugal, Spain and Great Britain counts to the
> EU). 

No, they do their [...] release following EU standards and law and then they 
could keep it at their home:, you are not really obliged to send an EU realease 
in all Eu if they don't want it.

> The term 'made in the EU' is only formal to assign EU rights
>  for the products.
> * Real "EU" releases don't exist at all.

Thanks for warning me, from tomorrow I will infringe all the EU laws that rules 
my life as an italian. 


We are really really all becoming ridiculus. 

I say this once more but for the very last time, MB has two choice: 1) add EU 
as release contry, since it's a country, 2) let moderator add EU releases as 
Anctartica, which is not a country.

This is a quite easy issue. The ability of MB to solve it says it all.


MArco / ClutchEr2

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