On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 00:54:28 +0100, Björn Krombholz wrote:

Right, but not to the song on it's own and the song in the global
context. It's related to the release, and so belongs to the

But the track is not the song of its own!

In the terms of the ObjectModel, MusicBrainz currently represents TrackObjects, not MasterObjects. The TrackObject's title is a propertie that belongs to the context of the album or the single. Therefore the ExtraTitleInformation (single edit) or (album version) belongs there.

If one day NadelnderBambus will there, there will be an entity for the "song in the global context". But until now there is not.

Just to further prove the point: If you have the same song on two releases with different script, will you change the Cyrrilic track title to Latin because the song in the global context is written in latin? No.


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