Don Redman wrote:
On Wed, 01 Feb 2006 22:35:44 +0100, Lukáš Lalinský wrote:

This has been discussed many times in almost all of our mailing lists and AFAIK with no results. I think we need to make vocal type optional, so that we can use ARs to say "Artist performed vocal on Track/Album".

I've already changed it on the test server. Here is an example:

How did you do this? I thought this was not possible. Did you hack on the internals or is it possible to specify that a selection of multiple values is optional in the regular RelType interface?

It's perfectly possible, the system is designed to allow this. It's simple change from "[x] additional [1]-[ ]" to "[x] additional [0]-[ ]".

Btw, currently track-artist AR sais "1-1", album-artist "1- ". So I've changed both to "0- "

Can we please decide this soon?

"Need OK from Secretary"

IIRC there were poeple (Wolfsong?) arguing that this was not needed. However, I see no reason why a more fine-grained description, that gives you the ability to choose the genral group _or_ one of the specific elements, should be harmful.

I will give you an OK under the following conditions:

- Go through the <> and answer these points:
   What is the impact on existing data?

No impact.

   Conflicts with other Style Guidelines


   Required Editor Time

RelationshipEditor time? 60 seconds :)

   Required Developer Time


   Impact on Paying Clients

No impact.

- Create a ticket. It is very simple: Management of StyleIssues must be in the open, if only for my job to be taken on by someone else in three months. So please use trac, I will too. The alternateive are obscure lists on my PC that nobody will ever see.

- Wait 24 hours for objections. However, I will ignore objections that do not come with a comprehensible argument that the change is really one for the worse.

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