Il Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:39 AM
Jan van Thiel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

I'm just deducing the current system doesn't work yet, because of
personal misunderstanding between people.

Or full agreement, like when an instrument is played by a secretary. Sorry if it seems rude but it simply what I tought when I saw that strange armonica go straight to live.

Hope this comment helped.

Me too, I'm really not arguing.


PS: there's a lot of commonly agreed classical style matters that could be made official. Surely it's my fault, but I just want you to know that I really don't know how to do it nor I know where to find the instruciorn for starting the process. Wiki discussion? Track ticket? ML request for veto? IRC conference call? (Please note that I could be somehow dumb but I'm not precisely a MB newbie.)

MArco (ClutchEr2)
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