
2006/3/28, Beth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I don't think this was "leveled" at any one person, more at the system. I
> see it as a difficulty with people's perceptions in general, not just MB.
> There are those people that are more active in the list/IRC/moderating also
> automods are more noteworthy in general, and why shouldn't they be? They
> have done their fair share and more of keeping MB going and evolving! Then
> there are those that hang back more in the quiet areas, making moderations
> and reading the list, sometimes giving input, sometimes not. They may be
> involved with the programming side of it, may or may not enter IRC, may be
> making monetary contributions or not, perhaps it's simply names change
> between email/musicbrainz/IRC chat channels/paypal donations etc. Do we all
> know what the other person does, besides what we see with names coming up
> more and more on the list, the mods, etc? Maybe we could find a kudo chart
> for donations, mods and the like to attach to email names too. :D (just
> kidding)
> At some point people feel they're adding to MB but some are more noteworthy
> than others. There is a certain cliquish nature about MB, those "in and
> known" and those that are on the fringes. Flawless mod records don't for
> good suggestions make, that person may not listen to artists with a major
> subscription following. Just as when you shift artists the MB voters and
> moderators viewpoints _do_ change, not fully on the style guidelines, but
> due to quick votes for multiple artist's subscriptions, or instant kill on a
> foolish mistake that could be edited given a mod note entered. This is going
> off of personal experience. Some moderators are much more patient and
> willing to teach than others, and some moderators just need to see your name
> pop up a few dozen times to realize you're dedicated rather than just
> entering one or two ads from freedb to get your files tagged. (BTW that is
> not a low shot at taggers that as well moderate, it is more leveled at
> moderators without email addresses, one shot additions that seem to come and
> go throughout the varied artists.)
> On a more serious note; perhaps instead of labeling people whiners and the
> squeaky wheel, perhaps we need to find a way to show how involved people in
> MB are, even on the list, and IRC, and programming, and moderating etc. Or,
> step back and realize the MB crowd ranges all ages and people aren't trying
> to flame any one person. Step back, read once again and say, is this at me,
> or a general statement? Should I respond or should I let it go? Perhaps a
> personal response to another user to seek clarification instead of
> responding on the list would be best? Flaming doesn't build, and I don't
> truly think there would be as many misunderstandings if people put aside
> their personal feelings and read things in a more neutral light.
> Beth aka Nyght
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don
> Redman
> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 7:36 AM
> To: MusicBrainz style discussion
> Subject: Re: [mailing] Re: Call for StyleSecretary Help: Let's
> trydiscussing/decidingthisin IRC (was [mb-style] add instrumentrequest:
> vacuum cleaner)
> On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 14:03:12 +0200, Marco Sola wrote:
> > Or full agreement, like when an instrument is played by a secretary.
> > Sorry if it seems rude but it simply what I tought when I saw that
> > strange armonica go straight to live.
> Stop. I was not involved at all in adding the Chromatic Harmonica. When
> Lukas sent his mail, I supplied him with the proof that there are
> 5+ albums with this instrument played, simply because I was able to do so
> out of the box.
> This has nothing to do with my being the secretary.
> I then added that if you make the distinction between the Chromatic
> Harmonica and others, you need to add the Diatonic Harmonica, too (at
> least if you want this to make sense to people who know a bit about
> harmonicas).
> I try to keep a neutral point of view in all these debates, and I have
> opened up to all criticism that got voiced in the last months. So, I do
> not think this accusation is fair.
> I'll say it again:
> MusicBrainz is not a democracy, nor a bureaucracy. Like in any other open
> source project, status comes from merrit, from having done good work, from
> good collaborations.
> Lukas has done a lot of good work allover MB incluidng the AR types. Yes,
> there are a couple of times when he changed a type or attribute earlier
> than I would have done it. But he always took the full responsibility for
> this and nobody has criticised him in this respect, yet. This is someone
> who has done good work, and I treat him accordingly.
> While I did not share Robert's oppinion, that Brian was whining, before, I
> now feel that "looks whose whining now.." discredits him with respect to
> good collaboration and correct behavior on mailing lists.
> I am not saying that I will not collaborate with him anymore, just that
> what has happened here is now part of his heritage and this will shape the
> way I will treat him. That's normal, that's how online communities work, I
> expect the same from anyone else here.
> And I would really appreciate if people would stop flaming.
>    DonRedman
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