2006/4/8, Beth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> The way I look at this. We're cataloging albums. Granted, we have a tagger
> and tagging capabilities. However, it is not our knowledge if end user does
> not have the album, or does not keep the album all together. Eventually the
> tagger will be able to add the annotations from what I understand.
> Therefore, the tag would show the annotation in perhaps the comment box on
> whatever supported format the user utilized for their music library.
> I know I have my discs without their jackets, therefore it's easier to
> populate my tags with as much information as I can. But, at the same time
> when I port them into my minidisk player I don't like to have that long of
> file names because the window doesn't display them correctly.
> Anywho, I think a lot is user preference and user application. I know style
> guidelines are able to be edited by anyone and then approved. (Anyone that
> deals more with style than I do please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
> That is the impression I had as to the way current style is done?)

"Shorter is better". Yes, I can understand that. Being new to MB, I
don't have the tagging background (though I do use it to tag, too). It
is rather that as a database programmer, when I see users start using
rules like "in this case this field should be read thus, but in that
case it should be read this way", alarm bells start ringing in my
head. I don't listen to soundtracks, so the issue doesn't really
matter to me. If the users are happy...

Frederic Da Vitoria

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