On Sun, Apr 09, 2006 at 10:42:05PM +0200, derGraph wrote:

> As long as we don't have such an attribute we could either stop adding
> DVDs (but I'm too much a realist to believe this would happen), or change
> the album titles, maybe "[Video] Title" or "Video: Title".

I think this is even worse than adding "(DVD)". Firstly, it's not what
people expect. I searched FreeDB for DVD and video and didn't find any with
this sort of data at the beginning of the title. Even when people add
things to MusicBrainz, I always see this sort of data at the end.

Another case for it not being what people expect, when people add this
information, it seems to nearly always be information about the format,
e.g. DVD or CDV [1], a format I had never heard of before until just now.

Secondly, as someone else pointed out, it makes a strange title for DVD
rips whether they're audio only rips or audio and video rips. It's even
stranger, to me, when I have a DVD with only one real video on it. All of
my DVD singles so far have at least one track which is not a proper video,
either a short image slideshow or looping animation.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD_Video
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