On Wed, 12 Apr 2006 18:22:40 +0200, Chris Bransden wrote:

On 12/04/06, Cristov Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Veto. IMO this is over engineered (pun intended). There is no clear guidance on the difference between "sound" vs. "audio" and we are putting "mix" here when we also have RemixerRelationshipType which is very much related to the descriptions given for "audio, sound, mixed and recording". The only part of this that I completly agree with is "master" but it then begs the question of why RemixerRelationshipType is seperate. Seemingly these are all intertwined in some aspects and should be documented differently.

i didn't propose/change anything but Recording Engineer > Recorded By.
the rest is already in/accepted/whatever. i'm not touching it, but i
would like to see my proposal be applied to the server (if there's no

Christov, do you maintain your veto?


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