Chris Bransden wrote:
On 28/04/06, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
derGraph wrote:
> I would still favour
> "artist {additionally} {co-}{executive }produced album or track",
> but I'm not sure whether the space after "executive" is valid, or if it
> can be replaced with "{executive:executive }".

Yes, with "{executive:executive }" it is possible. Additional co-executive producer, hehe. Whoever finds that in some liner notes will receive 5 bars of finest chocolate from me!

I think now we outlined nearly every possible solution. Could everyone please tell what they prefer? I want to see this closed...

i prefer "artist {additionally} {co-}{executive:executive }produced
album or track" but like i said, i'm not particularly bothered about
their being a potential impossible combination ("additional
co-executive producer"), and i think it's better to have that 'risk'
and keep all attribs in the same place.

Ok, I can agree here. We can always regulate combinations by style guidelines 
on the relationship type page.

Request for veto!

Simon (Shepard)

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