On 16/05/06, Simon Reinhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I noticed a little contradiction on the wiki.

On http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/NonAlbumTrack it says:

Tracks hidden in other tracks:
 * Another kind of HiddenTracks are those where a single (very long) track has 
music, then a long silence (or noise), followed by one or more (different) 
pieces of music. Since there is no support for TrackSections, these can be 
entered as non-album tracks, although there is not complete consensus on this.

Though http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/UntitledTrackStyle says:

[...] When they appear on a track that also has a listed song, this rule has to 
be used in combination with MultipleTitleStyle, e.g. track 13 

So do we both title the track on the album "song / [untitled]" _and_ add the untitled 
part as a non-album track? IMHO this case needs to be removed from NonAlbumTrack. Perhaps there is 
no real support for "TrackSections" but MultipleTitleStyle is a good workaround.


however i must say i hate the mutilation of track titles for hidden
tracks - "song / [untitled]" looks horrific IMO. they should be just
left as they are - [untitled] should only be used when the entirity of
the track is untitled (ie, use [untitled] rather than no title at all)

chris / gecks

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