On 5/27/06, Stefan Kestenholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It seems we have encountered another issue with unwritten rules in a
relationship type. Imho, it is strange that links to existing, and valid
amazon pages which list information about a release (even if it might have
been created by a seller, not amazon itself) not be allowed to link to.
Theres the implication that customer images do not show in the musicbrainz
release page, but its still there once one clicks on the amazon link. So,
i'd like to request comments (or vetoes) to a possible removal of the
paragraph from the amazon relationship page which disallows to add links to
this kind of custom ASINs.

I agree with this. I also think we need to have an actual link to the
page, not a 1x1 pixel link.

Jan van Thiel

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