On Mon, May 29, 2006 at 02:01:34AM +0200, Schika wrote:
> I wouldn't trust the info given from the Amazon shops. I've founded so
> much crap they entered in their  system. And the worst of all i that so
> much people believe it and use this info as proof for their mods.

Agreed, in most cases. It does depend on which shop you use, amazon.co.jp
is *much* more reliable for release dates than amazon.com, for example.

> If I can't find anything besides Amazon then I add a info into the album
> annotation, that the release date was taken from Amazon and needs to be
> proofed.

Personally I just add a mod note saying the date came from Amazon, so that
if someone wants to change it in the future they know where it came from
and can use their own judgement on whether their source of release date is
better or worse than Amazon.


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