On Tue, May 30, 2006 at 09:19:06AM +0200, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> So I maintain that user pages are by essence highly unstable and as such
> should not be entered on the same level as stable standard Amazon pages.
> Entering a user page as the first Amazon link will prevent cover art and
> standard page links from ever working. This is a major drawback IMO.

I don't often use amazon.com, but I always took that paragraph to mean
items which Amazon added itself and other people had added images to using
this "Share your own customer images" link. Yesterday, though, I noticed
there are also some which say "This page was created by a seller.". I don't
have a problem with Amazon's products which don't have images (annoyingly
common on amazon.co.jp) or ones which only have user-supplied images, but
I'm not so sure we should link to user-created pages if they disappear once
the user's item has been bought.


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