style bazaar would be a better term for whats going on :-)
the results achieved since the "official council" was abolished are
impressive, and i never said i was frustrated with how the council
works, sometimes i think though it works better on the wiki, and on
the focussesd rfv/rfc threads, than the very discussion we were all
annoyed by.

uuh, this will be a long mail, i try to be brief. I am _extremly_
sceptic which problems TaggerScript will solve, given the ideas i've
picked up in this thread (i don't want to dampen the euphoria, but it
won't). TaggerScript will help with SG5 (or generally speaking: artist
credits on track and release titles). Maybe we'll have an option to
set the composer field in classical releases, but not much more at
first. Its unscalable to have TaggerScript retrieve related objects
(how many, how many levels of recursion?) and have a myriad of
settings which track title, or release title should be used in which
occasion. i for one will strongly object to have to select a match on
each and every duplicate hit (similar to how to old tagger worked on
trm collisions). the goal, its written on the PicardTagger pages, is
to make the tagger more automatic. This will be a step backward if
every track needs user interaction. Then, entering ARs to related the
tracks will make the tagging more complex, and obstruct further
development (if not, it will bundle at least many resources which
should rather be invested into the NextGenerationSchema).

now, i just like to "claim", that if a major contributor speaks up
(e.g. Nikki, and Jan) in the album version thread, they get the proper
respect, and that their opinions are taken seriously, because they
more likely have the betterment of musicbrainz in their sights than
users whining for their tags (no offence meant, the word has been used
before in that matter).

If we have a "Style Council" then they should ultimately be the ones to draw
a discussion to a close and adjudicate on whether the proposal should be
implemented or not.  If they do not do this, then what on earth is the point
of it all.

---- Yes, those who do the work get to decide. I understood very
clearly what a Meritocracy is about.

> As I said in my other post, meritocracy means that you earn respect in the
> areas in which you have done good work. Respect is something that you
> earn, you do not claim it. It does not give you power over other people,
> because they can (and will) disrespect you if you do not do them justice
> anymore.

---- that is what Jan has done. He has driven many style changes in
the past. I should have mentioned that too, since everbody jumped on
the "topmod" statement and tried very hard to dismiss it, without
thinking what the motivation behind this statement was (or without
reading Jans mail closely, because it seems i had to point it out
several mails later). Jan is very decent, a bit too much i'd like to
say. He removed himself from the MusicBrainzBio page, since he feels
he is no contributor who should mentioned there, and took the same
stance on this discussion.

> [beth] I see that it was giving zout the recognition of knowing what he
> was
> talking about. Not giving respect to zout that was undeserved.[/beth]

---- Thanks Joan and Beth. Your two statements give me some amends
that i was right in my assessment of the situation.

regards, Stefan

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