
I don't contribute much to this list now and I don't
monitor it frequently either, so take my input with a
grain of salt (this seems to be done anyway).  That
said, I do not find this list to be a very useful
source of information or opinion.  From the few posts
I read, emails asserting one's superiority, flames,
etc. are too common while valuable ideas are rare.

I have a more general gripe too.  I think MB has
enormous potential but has shown little functional
improvement in the past year.  It takes me more time
to enter a new classical release than it did when I
joined, for example.  I use both the new and old
clients to enter and tag a new disc too.  I'll
probably continue to enter releases, but at a much
lower frequency.  I'm not planning on voting or being
a member of lists.

I'll stay in this list for long enough to read the
responses if there are any, but intend to unsubscribe.
 With any luck mine is just an outlier point of view.


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