On Oct 11, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Don Redman wrote:

On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 00:22:58 +0200, Robert Kaye wrote:

Given that there seem to be no real objections to this, I'd like to put out an official call for veto on this topic. Please speak up in the next 48 hours if you have objections to this issue. Otherwise I will bring the code back for the next server release.

VETO for formal reasons

Please issue an RFV when the (kind of) RFC discussion has either died out or trailed off into tangents. Not when it is in mid course.

Ok, fine. Its clear that this is not a done deal -- I was hoping to write some code, but it looks like wrangling discussions more is in order. Do we have a champion for this idea who can work to get consensus?


--ruaok      Somewhere in Texas a village is *still* missing its idiot.

Robert Kaye     --     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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