On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 10:13:21AM +0200, Sami Sundell wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 11:38:50PM +0100, Don Redman wrote:
> > >http://musicbrainz.org/show/edit/?editid=6534607
> > I do not know Ladytron or this special release, but I disagree that
> > these  should be generally set to the compiling artist.  I suppose
> > this greatly depends on the genre of music.
> I agree. I've come across this kind of compilations a couple of times
> before, and so far I fail to see, why they should be attributed to the
> compiling artist. 

The compiling artist is credited on the cover, I would expect these kind
of albums to appear on the artist page (in the appropriate section, not
along their regular albums).  _I_ fail to see why it would be better to 
keep them linked to 'various artists' as an artist, where they will be
harder to find for those looking for them.

> An example of this is "Late Night Tales" series - see,
> for example,
> <http://musicbrainz.org/release/f7d1fb55-b951-4188-a846-600e8eed730c.html>
> or
> <http://musicbrainz.org/release/867d6bb8-626a-4d3e-af25-09382f8d257c.html>.

Similar to the DJ Kicks series too (this does happen a lot it seems ;):

-- kuno (warp).

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