I retract the position that MB should be trying to maintain sort order
in track titles.

I don't know what I was thinking when I said it. I will pretend this
wasn't simply a lapse in my own reasoning, but rather was the result of
some chemical imbalance or other externality, which obviously has now
been resolved.

I must say, I'm no fan of "Chapter 1a, Chapter 1b" or "Chapter 1-i,
Chapter 1-ii' styles. I don't mind "$chaptername (1/9)", "$chaptername
(2/9)" as you have proposed. I presume if the chapter is numbered, then
it would look something like:

"Chapter 1. The Beginning (1/9)"


-----Original Message-----
From: Fridtjof Busse <fbu...@gmx.de>
Reply-to: MusicBrainz style discussion
To: musicbrainz-style@lists.musicbrainz.org
Subject: Re: [mb-style] Audiobook styleguide
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 10:42:33 +0100

* "Paul C. Bryan" <em...@pbryan.net>:
> If there is only one track for the chapter, then it would be:
>   * Chapter 01: $name
>   * Chapter 02: $name
>   ...
> This was originally proposed by Keschte in AudioBookStyle, and was
> intended to keep tracks sorted properly if the trackname was the only
> cue. I happen to agree this is a worthy objective to maintain.

It's not the job of musicbrainz to keep tracks sorted if the

>   * Chapter 01-01: $name    ; note the leading zero on the chapter
> number
>   * Chapter 01-02                ; not fond of repeating chapter names
>   * Chapter 01-03
>   * Chapter 02-01: $name

I really dislike this. The second part of a chapter has no name, this
makes no sense IMHO.

Also, I'd prefer not to use the naming scheme in musicbrainz as an aid
to keep your tracks sorted or work around "broken" audio players.
What I mean by this is basically what the "(disc x)" header does. The
program you're using can decide for itself if it wants to put this part
in the title or simply strip it and use the number for DISCNUMBER (e.g.
sound-juicer does this). If something similiar was used for
audiobooks, you (resp. your tagging application) can decide what
filename to use for the file on your PC. I hope you can understand my
idea behind this.
Something like "$chaptername (01/09)" or the like.

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