On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 03:03:40PM -0700, Robert Kaye wrote:
> Someone from http://www.akuma.de contacted me and asked if we were  
> interested in adding AR links to the akuma.de. They are also willing  
> to help pay for the creation of the links.
> I'd rather do this:
> - Create the AR link (as we did for the BBC)
> - Have them have their own team add the links.
> - Have them send us a donation.
> What are the general thoughts on this?

In general, creation of such ARs should go through the StyleCouncil.

The BBC Music AR went through the regular RFC/RFV process, didn't
get vetoed, and now is live.  Someone needs to be willing to go 
through that process, either they themselves or someone else
vouching/lobbying for them.

Based on a few quick searches on the site (for german artists),
I don't immediatly see any added value of akuma.  I don't see
any data we're not trying to capture ourselves.  

-- kuno / warp.

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