On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Brian Schweitzer <
brian.brianschweit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That discussion actually had exactly this same debate, and didn't really go
> anywhere - I don't see the "everything agrees with merging different
> recordings" consensus you see; I see very few replies, with talk about
> merging official and bootleg concert recordings together, talk about merging
> studio sessions (the Metallica email, in which each example is a different
> release of the *same* studio recordings), and one email saying navap's on
> the fence.  It's a short thread, with a bunch of different concepts being
> talked about at the same time, and no resolution (which is why the text in
> the guideline was left unchanged).

I'm certainly not on the fence when it comes to live bootlegs, I would like
to see different recordings of a concert grouped together.

> It seems to me that, if we've grouped to a point where we have to use RG

annotations to distinguish between releases in a RG, then we're grouped too
> much.  If RGs are to bring together releases that are "the same", then why,
> for the primary users of those groupings, should we group such that they
> can't use the RG groupings, but have to use the annotation to figure out
> which release is which release?

We're already at the point where we need to distinguish between releases in
a RG, for example take a look at the Blind Guardian RG from the
guideline [1].  Currently we can see that there are three releases contained
within the group, but without anything to use for disambiguation we have to
open up each one to find out that one is a Japanese edition with 2 bonus
tracks, and one is a remaster with 1 bonus track.

Instead of using RG annotations though, I expect we will be using release
comments to disambiguate, and I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Pavan Chander // navap
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