Calvin Walton wrote:
>> Q1. Should a work be disambiguated via composer/lyricist/librettist, via
>> recording artist, or by work comment?
> Is there no reason we can't do "all of the above"?
> I would like to be able to see both the composer/lyricist/librettist and
> recording artists when searching for works. And I have seen a couple of
> cases where there have been variations on a work with no change to the
> name, so a disambiguation comment would be useful on top of the artist
> names.

+1 to this. I don't see why we should have to only pick one for search 

>> Q3. If consensus is that a work should be disambiguated using the
>> recording artist, which artist should be displayed? (First recording,
>> "most popular" recording, last recording, other?)
> In most cases, first recording would be enough. But if we have a way to
> distinguish by popularity - maybe number of recordings/releases of this
> work by an artist would work? - we should display that too. It might be
> useful to show names of several artists, a la

+1 to this too. I would be fine with showing the first performer like 
JASRAC does for now (after all, we can always use comments for the cases 
where the first one really isn't the most well known).


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