
While Kuno and I were talking about the special purpose track titles, we 
ended up completely disagreeing about when the same recordings should be 

My opinion on [silence] is that 2 seconds of silence is 2 seconds of 
silence so it would be the same recording regardless of the artist or 
release (I would personally just use a single [silence] recording by [no 
artist] with no length set for all silent tracks)
Kuno however thinks silence on one release is not the same as silence on 
another release or by another artist, so they should only be merged if 
they're the same length, on the same album and by the same artist.

Then for [data track], there was a suggestion to merge data tracks and 
simply have [data track] by [data]. To me it seems really weird to merge 
completely different data tracks but keep silent tracks separate. Kuno 
thinks that since it's just a placeholder and we don't store information 
about the data tracks (we don't store information about silent tracks 
either...?), that it's fine to merge them (although it wasn't his 
suggestion originally and he just doesn't really mind either way).

I'm guessing we'll probably just end up not saying anything in the 
guidelines for now and seeing what people do, but I'm still interested 
in what other people think.


P.S. I'm only referring to actual [silence] tracks, not the ones which 
are "creative" silence like 4'33" (or whatever it's called) and not ones 
which aren't really silent (I wouldn't use [silence] at all if it's not 
actually silent).

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