I thought that date field was first created for artists' birth and dead
dates. Same field is used to date an event (composition, recording,...).

This field is designed for duration (from Day1 to Day2). Exclusively. If you
want to enter a composition date, except exceptional cases, we don't know
the day of the first note and the day of the last bar. Normally, we only
know the year. Actually, we have to enter the same year in both field...
meaning from YYYY to YYYY.

For recordings, we could know the day, or the month of the year...

For old compositions, it's more difficult to know exactly the composition
year. Same as genealogy where we use ca. (*circa* or about), bef. (before)
and aft. (after).

If I enter only the second date for a composition... it is written "composed
until YYYY" instead of before YYYY.
If I enter only the first date... "composed from YYYY to present" instead of
after YYYY.
and obviously no way to indicate YYY1 or YYY2, or ca. YYYY

It is minor... but sources of open discussions in edits.
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