On May 24, 2011, at 8:04 AM, Dr Andrew John Hughes wrote:

> I couldn't agree more and I've raised this issue in at least one
> discussion.  I didn't expect NGS to be an excuse to change the
> guidelines by dictate rather than discussion.

I'd like to remind folks that Nikki and Warp are your BDFLs for all  
things style.

That said, I applaud their efforts (and financially supported them as  
well!) for making NGS style guidelines happen. At some point you have  
to put a few people together, get out of the way and let them revamp  
everything. This was one of those times and I support Warp and Nikki  
in their work -- thank you, you two!

This isn't to say that the NGS style guidelines didn't get at least a  
modicum of review by others -- they did. Nor is their work saying that  
we're going to ignore the input from the community -- we aren't. If  
something is broke now, lets use the community process to fix it.


--ruaok        The answer to whether or not something is a good idea  
should not be taken as an indication of whether I want to do it.

Robert Kaye     --     r...@eorbit.net     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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