On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Frederic Da Vitoria
<davito...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/5/25 Stephen <tungolcra...@gmail.com>
>> I have a question that hasn't been addressed so far: sometimes a cover
>> will introduce a specific innovation (could be an extra verse,
>> dropping a verse, specific flourishes, restructuring, whatever) into a
>> song, and later covers will reproduce that innovation. So those later
>> covers aren't  covers of the original, but specifically covers of that
>> other cover. Is there a way to record this information in either the
>> old, current regime or the new proposed one?
>> I agree that most of the time covers should link to the original, but
>> some covers actually are covers of specific later versions. I'm not
>> sure how best that might be handled though. Maybe just in annotations
>> or something, because it strikes me that the ontological way of
>> allowing some covers to generate new works and other covers to not do
>> so would likely become a contentious mess.
> Also, couldn't it happen that a cover takes it's ideas from two distinct
> covers ? Even more messy :-)

a couple examples, off the top of my head:

Cover of a cover: a few Metallica tribute cd's include performances of
"Am I Evil" and "Blitzkrieg", neither of which is an original
Metallica tune.
example: http://musicbrainz.org/release/487c7cd5-37f5-4b6c-8cd9-a1446d069828

Cover of two songs at once: A Perfect Circle combined Ozzy's "Diary of
a Madman" and The Cure's "Lovesong" into one tune. We have a few
instances of this in MB, mostly (i'm assuming) on bootlegs:

--dj empirical--

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