Hi everyone, This is the RFV for my earlier proposal,

Note that I've made a few changes based on the discussion in that thread
and on IRC; the quick summary is that I am proposing to add the
relationship only to Releases (and not release groups), and that I am
including an updated description to exclude simple discography entries -
for which I am adding a separate AR type.

= Official Homepage Relationship Type =

== Link Phrases ==

<Release> has an official website at <URL>
<Release> has official websites at <URL>, <URL>, ...
official website: <URL>
official websites: <URL>, <URL>, ...

== Description ==

This link points to an official, standalone website created to promote a
release, usually hosted by an artist or record label.

= Discography Entry Relationship Type =

== Link Phrases ==

<Release> has a discography entry at <URL>
<Release> has discography entries at <URL>, <URL>, ...
discography entry: <URL>
discography entries: <URL>, <URL>, ...

== Description ==

This link points to a page for a particular release within a discography
for an artist. Please see [[Discography Relationship Type]] for
information about acceptable sites to link to.

Calvin Walton <calvin.wal...@kepstin.ca>

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